During these months up to the season I was also reading The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. On January 12, 2009 - Day 32 of reading the book, the topic was "Using What God Gave You" . This was the day I made my decision to take myself off the team; only a couple weeks before the season began.
Here is some of what I wrote down in my journal at the time from reading what Warren wrote:
Romans 12:5
"Since we find ourselves fashioned into all these excellently formed and marvelously functioning parts in Christ's body, let's go ahead and be what we were made to be"
Rick wrote, "When you attempt to serve God in ways you're not shaped to serve, it feels like forcing a square peg into a round hole. It's frustrating and produces limited results...the best use of your life is to serve God out of your shape. To do this you must first discover your shape, learn to accept and enjoy it" (pg 249).
He then goes on to encourage, "avoid comparisons, resist exaggerations and seek only God's commendation" (pg254).
"You do no realize now what I am doing but later you will understand"
John 13:7
I read this which immediately hit me hard. This was without a doubt God speaking to me. It was a feeling in my heart that what I had been doing was only hurting my body to a point that was unhealthy, and maybe now was the time I was meant for something else. While on the team I had only been comparing myself and trying to meet the standards of the sport as well as my team.
However, after reading this I had no second thoughts at all about what I was supposed to do. Although I was extremely confused about how adamant that this was how things were supposed to be, i trusted that it was right. I went to my coach and told her my thoughts and my ultimate decision.
I spent that spring managing the guys lax team - all of the guys were my best friends and I still wanted to be around the sport I loved - and I knew it would be too hard for me watching the girls play throughout the remainder of the season.
That spring/summer I applied for an internship with the Philadelphia Wings, a Professional Lacrosse team in Philly (part of the NLL). I drove three hours from CT for an hour interview and found out later, I was the only one selected to work with the Sales department that next year. I ended up working with them 40+ hrs a week while moving to the city and taking classes at Temple University. Although my days were extremely long and busy, i loved every moment of it. Consequently, being at work and class so much pulled me away from the gym, and my focus was starting to return to its rightful place, and I would go through weeks of being out of a gym completely.
My original plan was to just stay that fall semester of my Junior year. But the end of that fall i also learned that Lacrosse Unlimited would be opening their first Pennsylvania store in Philly that winter, about 20 minutes away from Temple. Shortly after that, before leaving the Wings, my supervisor asked if I would stay to work with them during the season. After falling in love with Philly and having no commitments back in Grantham PA, this was a given answer for me; of course I was going to stay. This was where I was supposed to be, and these two events showed me that my heart was right almost exactly a year ago. I finally understood and now felt that it had been one of the best decisions I had ever made.
That summer after leaving the city and going back home I took up to working out again but in a new way; long distance. I entered my first races, placing and winning in them, and learned that this was the way my body was supposed to work. I quickly discovered that I had an outstanding ability to run for miles without ever wearing out. I loved it; and did it for love instead of for meeting standards and being something i was not. And without a doubt do I still love it :)
So, that is my story explained to almost its fullest. Of course my customers get the short and sweet 5 minute version. But of course I enjoy sharing how I have learned that God always seems to end up directing life for the good and his purpose so that is why I'm sharing here. Everything happens for a reason right?
Hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little better,
Have a good night - peace & love love love,