Monday, May 7, 2012

you're gettin high on your own supply

"When you run in the morning, you gain time. It's like stretching 24 hours into 25. You may need to sleep less and get up earlier, but if you can get by that, running early seems to expand the day."
- Fred Lebow, Founder of the NYC Marathon

Monday morning, wake up, run.

4 miles @ 27:44
followed by 30 minutes cross training.

Gotta find some 5ks (and +) to do this spring/summer - and i need to find new head phones asap so I can do my first outdoor adventure of the season. (Philly half kara-liz??)

I was given a sweet cameo of Jesus from Mr. B, a dearest customer of Lacrosse Unlimited of Danubury on Sunday. Ill take a picture tomorrow. Best gift ever? I jumped with excitement of course since that's what i do. 
Full work day 9:30-9 today and it still amazes me how even that is not enough time to get everything you want to get done, done. Welcome to life i suppose, almost officially my first full year outta school. Weird. Where will the next year take me...TBD?

goin to bed - DAY OFF TOMORROW! Goin home to see my babymac (Heather lee) and baby sit the little man. funstuff (of course) :)

happy days, happy week,
peace & loveee,

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