The morning was spent at my sister's house with her and my nephew - extremely tiresome as he now loves to race around the house with me, and "follow the leader me". By noon I was ready for a break; and I had a lunch date planned with my grandmother; where we spent a couple hours learning about where my ancestors were from and reassuring her that she shouldn't be worrying about the end of the world.
BabyMac (my younger sister) and I were planning on going to Ender's Falls to hike once she got out of work, but she had an accounting exam to take online that took priority. I didn't let it ruin my need for adventuring though, and I ended up here:
Suburban Park is right in Farmington about a mile and a half from my house. It is not really used anymore but is a set of hiking trails that goes through the woods in Unionville. I decided this would be perfect for the quick switch. I loved this place and it will also be my new practice for trail running. I spent a couple hours out by myself venturing around all of the trails, and capturing it along the way. It's days like these that I love. God's creation is what brings the best out of me and I am reminded that life is everywhere, even right down the road. What a blessing. Having access to creation like this 24/7 is something I will always need. Getting away from the world and everyone else was something I've really been needing lately, and I hope you enjoy what I share.
The Trails:

The Water:
I found a castle....
and then i spent some time at this bench on one of the peaks,
and the Tall New England Trees :)
The town where I live:
Downtown Unionville from the top. The church with the steeple is actually where Katherine and I went to preschool, little known fact.
Feel free to critique but you make due with what you got, and what I had was an abandoned park with an android camera. (since my guitar is my investment right now, camera is next). But that was that, my day and it's joys. Of course I will now find myself working open to close all weekend...Fortunately I hear the weather isn't going to be all that pleasant. So I will not be missing out on the sunshine.
Hope everyone else enjoys their weekend since it's just starting! GO somewhere and do something, and just have fun. Please and thank you.
All the peace and love,
Kelly anne
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