"Have you noticed that God treats you better than you treat yourself?
For example,
why do you think he didn't allow your marriage with that man?
Why did he allow you to be overlooked for that promotion?
Why didn't he let you take that dream cruise?
Do you think it was to keep you from fun and pleasure?
Of course not.
He did it because at His juncture in your life,
He refuses to give you anything
but His best.
You are too precious to just do anything."
-Jacqueline Jakes
I literally spent my full 9 hours of work today rearranging the entire store. Scheduled and wanting to leave at 6, at 5:50 i finished the final touches with everything fitting and looking perfectly in its place. I came home to an unexpected visit by my other half Katherine and her little one. I then spent an hour with my nephew wanting to race me barefoot through the grass before the sunset.
Everything about today was a miracle. I can not express how thankful I am for the little God sightings and grace that I have been seeing each day lately, and through the high moments of doubt and stress I bring on myself, God without a doubt shows me his best for each day. This quote, a favorite of mine, gives me comfort that right now, where I am is what's best and is only preparing me for something better.
Please, I really pray, that you each find the best of life that is out there for you, and further, that no one settles for just anything if you whole-heartily do not feel it's what's best. Because trust me, you will know if it is.
Goodnight, peace&love.
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