"Blessed are the meek
for they shall inherit the Earth."
Matthew 5:5
Most people today consider meek to be an adjective describing timidness and weakness. What a negative connotation. I'd rather explain it as meaning submissive and trusting.
One of the greatest challenges I face is full submitting my life to God's plan and his desire in how he would like to use me. Everyone likes to have everything figured out all the time, right? But let's face it, I'm sure you have all experienced seasons of your life in which you could have never ever predicted them to happen; even with the help of the infamous magic 8 ball we would turn to as children.
Examples in my life which came my way COMPLETELY unexpected:
1. Taking myself off the lacrosse team my sophomore year at Mess
2. Placing in my first road race
3. Deciding to pursue degrees in Sport Management and Marketing (I originally went to Messiah for youth ministry)
4. Being the only intern accepted for the Sales department with the Philadelphia Wings, and then going to Messiah's campus at Temple University not knowing anyone to pursue this.
5. Extending my stay in Philly for a full year because I just couldn't leave (and LU decided to conveniently open their Ardmore store that same year - perfect timing right?) ;)
6. Spending my senior J-term in Ghana, Africa
7. Ending up in Danbury, CT my first year out of school - with my first Real World roommate a long time friend from grade school (who conveniently got her first job in the same area as i)
If you were to ask me my plan for life at 18, my freshman year of college, NONE of this would be on my list. However, these have all come to be life-changing, learning and loving seasons that continue to show me joy and the greatness of God, all the time. Inheritance.
Without meekness; trust and submission to follow what I felt in my heart I needed to do, my life would be totally different. I am 100% sure of that. The thing is, I can't even begin to fathom where or what it would be like. But does it matter? All i know is that by trusting the lead I felt at each of these points, the next point on the list has developed through the help of the one before. And when I look at each point, of course hardship was found at times with each one but without a doubt the joy that also came outweighs everything else.
Without meekness; trust and submission to follow what I felt in my heart I needed to do, my life would be totally different. I am 100% sure of that. The thing is, I can't even begin to fathom where or what it would be like. But does it matter? All i know is that by trusting the lead I felt at each of these points, the next point on the list has developed through the help of the one before. And when I look at each point, of course hardship was found at times with each one but without a doubt the joy that also came outweighs everything else.
This is a really awesome concept to me now that I look at it; how life just unfolds, and it always seems to just the way its supposed to - if you let it.
Even through the course of a single day. I really urge each of you to just let it happen, trust without even thinking about it, and go with where you're led. Be meek in submitting but strong in pursuing; pursing the lead you receive from submitting.
I have complete faith that everything will work out, and everything will unfold right before your eyes. Life is just that good.
If you're reading this tonight, tomorrow is a new day - and if this finds you in the morning - today has begun, but there is still so much left unsaid to it.
Let it be new, and good, please.
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