Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Would you believe me....

if I told you I bought all this (minus 1 orange for lunch) for $6? 

because I did. 

I found gold at the reduced produce cart today. Make fun if you will but my "rabbit food" eating habits can get expensive at times, so I'm looking to save a few bills anywhere. 

My second saving of the day was at the gym getting a 3 month membership for $79 because the boy at the counter assumed I was still a student. (i was honest and corrected him) but he said it was alright and gave me the deal anyways. Boom. I'll take it as a compliment and as I always tell myself I'll only look younger longer. 

Happy Hump Day?

To celebrate the hump, the first of the month and also a birthday of a very special girl I made these:

chocolate with PB-chocolate chip cookie-center cupcakes and cappuccino mocha frosting.

that's a lot for one little cupcake. but trust me, its worth it and these may be one of the best cupcakes I've made to date. 

It's raining now, and i have zucchini coconut bread in the oven. (day off baking day) :) so I  must tend to that - recipe post later tonight...In between continuing to teach myself how to play guitar. (My bucket list for August - another later on post to be created). 

Happy Day,
-Kelly Anne

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