Thursday, August 30, 2012

needs no captions

"...Commune with Mother Nature - in some way try to remove yourself from the discord of the everyday world that invades your sense of inner peace"
Stephen R Covey

Song of the day, another Naked and Famous of course - Young Blood. Which i feel fits the flow of my story telling today. Not the video, just the song. Soundtrack to our lives. So listen as you scroll down.

This morning, I woke up to a cool and sunny 50 degree day. Love. I can't wait for Fall New England style. My favorite. After doing a short cross-train and lifting (a little bit of everything) day at the gym, I showered and went out to the river for a morning adventure before work. Why not?

Here's my share:

A little Connecticut for you,
I don't think i need to say anything else.

Things like this are what keep me sane in life, really.
Peace and Love

Trust me, it was extremely difficult for me to come back to go to work. But I did of course, and took care of what needed to get done. But I have finally reached my working quota and am off for the next two days. I will enjoy to the fullest. Almost the weekend for all you Mon-Fri 9 to 5 ers! (if that even really exists anymore). AND three day weekend! Sweetness. Remember it's kinda-ish the last weekend of the summer so take full advantage. I'm wondering if it will be too cold to sleep on the trampoline tonight...i only have so many warmer nights left now i suppose. 

But its college football night and there are three minutes left in the USC/Vanderbilt game 17-13 Carolina. So my attention needs to be spent on the final moments of this. So here is where I end.

p.s. i have a shock top lemon shandy bread recipe i have successfully created and tested. i will be posting in the very near future. 

Lovely nights and mornings please,
Peace & love,
Kelly Anne. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


About 20 minutes ago I won Gotye tickets for their show at Mohegan in September. 
How sweet a start to the morning is that. What a nice surprise. Thank you 96.5 TIC. :)

I had others all ready to go, but in honor of the win, Tuesday's song of the day will be Eyes Wide Open, by Gotye. 
The video is another one more mainstream (i still like it) but the song is another favorite. Enjoy. 

On to other things though, this morning i had plans to run around the valley but they were crushed by the rain. honestly it was just gross and muggy out which i was not feeling so to the lifesaving gym treadmill it was. 

Training Run - 5 miles
1 mile ~ 6:50 min 
2 mile ~ 14:40 min 
3 mile ~ 21:25 min
4 mile ~ 29 min
5 mile ~ 36:20 min

I alternated my paces, 8.5-9.5 speed for the 1st, 3rd and 5th mile and then 7.5-8.0 speed (and also 1.0-1.5 incline) for miles 2 and 4. I ended with a half mile cool down. Ideally my finish time would be 35 min, but i tried, and like I said I have lost some of my running touch within the past year. Baby steps to get it back. 

25 min cross training followed
as well as 15 min ab circuit

Feel free to use my paces as a push and guide - that's why I post em. 
To only make us better and stronger :) 

Working til 3 today, short day - it's like a day off in my book. 
But happy Tuesday, praying some luck comes to each of you as well. 


Monday, August 27, 2012

no, we're never gonna talk about it

The Naked and Famous' 
No Way is one of my favorite songs; if not the absolute favorite. 

I was lucky enough to see these guys/girl in NYC last year - hands down maybe my best concert yet. About a year ago, my friend Zach put together some pictures from his world adventures to the song and tonight it is my share.

(via youtube)

Last week the power and love guys were visiting New England. They spent several days at Wellspring church which i've been attending a couple times since moving back home in July. All i want to do is talk about it. The visit/conference went all day for four days straight, and while I only went for two nights (due to work full-time) I could type pages about the insanely radically real stories and testimonies I heard about the healing power of prayer. Stories of people going out in the communities of CT seeing others that need physical healing and having the courage to go to them and pray for them. Not only this but also some who they feel they have just been directed to to spend some time talking with and sharing love with. Better yet, the stories having happy endings with instant healing right on the spot. ACLs, broken bones in the ER, etc. literally broken bodies - completely renewed and healed. No kidding, real life miracles. Wow.

god is good. all the time.

The second night I was visiting, a guy who I did not previously know came and sat next to me about half way through. We started talking a little bit in between the stories and I quickly learned that he just moved from the exact place I will be moving to in the next few months. You should know that i don't know one living soul in the area which will be my new home, and this next adventure is definitely a push on my heart as something I need to do. The guy ended up giving me information for one of the best churches he's said he's been to and also some contact info for friends which he knows would be more than happy to ever show me around. God sighting. 

At the end of the night, he came back to me and asked me if there was any relation or strong connection to me with Disney World. I was a little taken back when he asked me to this, and told him I've only been a few times throughout the years but that's it. He went on to explain that God put on his heart that there was a youthfulness about me that he needed to share. He then went on to tell me that he knew I had been struggling with peace, rest and just enjoying. having fun. He then went on to say, but now, that that night and lately, I have been getting my playful spirit back that I just seemed to lose for a little with worrying of the unknowns. Disney World was pushed on his heart to bring realization into this, and he was moved to come and continue to encourage me to let my carefree playful spirit as God has created me prevail over everything else that might get in the way. Further, that through this, I will continue to find my comfort and peace of mind and heart. Remember this event happened last week - And remember I posted this (please read) when I first moved back from Danbury in July. God Sighting?

god is good. all the time. 

Sometimes no one wants to talk about stuff like this, but tonight i just do. The only thing that comes to mind is the mustard seed (the post) I posted about not too too long ago. (If you missed that post feel free to catch up). I guarantee that these people who prayed for those hurting had no doubts in anything. In healing, in faith and in god. That's how those physically suffering were so quickly and radically lively healed. If God tells us even we can move mountains with our faith, who are we to tell him he can not heal through us? I am 100% positive that we can move mountains. And if I had any doubts that God was not presently working in my own heart, my encounter with him through the guy I sat with that night showed me just how powerful and present he is. He really wholeheartedly is here. 

One of my best friend's Fathers was in a bike-car accident this past weekend. He has been and continues to be in the hospital in critical condition. My heart had been crying out to them everyday he continues to remain in the hospital. Here is the story I ask you to help me to continue to pray for him and the rest of her family. I know he will be healed to full restoration, but the the power of prayer is effective. Moving mountains, healing bodies, sharing love - prayer is just more love that does. So help me do this. (& Thank you)  

James 5:14-16 
Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another,that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.

I'm aware that I'm getting deep, and I just got real. 
But I'm not just not going to talk about it. 
All the time, life is good and all the time, love is good. 
So please just live with love. 
And trust me, the outcomes will all be good.

Kelly Anne

Track it - a workout

Yesterday morning's circuit workout, as I am quickly learning my running abilities are not what they once were only a year ago....

Warm up run to the high school ~ 1 mile

Track Circuit:

100 meter sprint
100 meter jog 
Repeat 10 times (or 5 laps)

400 meter run
400 meter sprint

100 meter walk

10 bleacher runs (running up and down the football field bleachers)
400 meter run
5 bleacher runs

Run home ~1.5 miles


Saturday, August 25, 2012

training day #1

He could have said I'll wait till your perfect, 
but at that point would amazing grace have been asserted?

Food for thought for this morning, via a fellow friend from Mess. 

Welcome to the weekend. Yes, I am working, but if you enjoy your job enough it's not really work right? right. Let's just hope the little laxers of the day are out doing some back to school shoppin. 

This morning I started Day #1 of my half marathon training. I'm not kidding about doing this, Bootcamp September is the new focus. Yay :)

Get Back Circuit Workout

15 min cross train
5 min treadmill run

Then I used this Quick Feet Circuit:
15 sec jumping jacks
15 sec jumping side to side
15 sec jump forward and back
15 sec jumping jacks

Superset 1
Quick feet ciruit
1 min bi-curls non stop (8lbs)
(repeat 3 times)

Superset 2
Quick feet circuit
1 min tri-extenstions non stop (12lbs)
(Repeat 3 times)

Set 3
Seated Row - 50 lbs - 12 reps
Back Extension - 6lb medicine ball - 15 reps
(repeat 3 times)

20 min cross train
10 min ab circuit

Try it!
Tomorrow will be a run day.

It's beautiful outside. 
If you're not working please spend the entire day outdoors for me. In the sun, in the woods, on the water, whatever you need to do - but just do it outside. thank you :)

Kelly anne

Friday, August 24, 2012

sign me up

I'm committing. First one of 2012? 
Better late than never. 


Saturday, October 13, 2012 @ 8:00 am

Signing up.
let the training begin.
if anyone would wish to join me you are more than welcome.


the place where i find peace

How can I stand here with You, and not be moved by You?

Would you tell me, how could it be, any better than this?

(Everything by Lifehouse)

Taken from my walk home from the grocery store yesterday.
Took the long way, just so I could walk barefoot through the grass.

Yesterday morning after waking up late and eating my oats I spent my time working out:

nothing less than the best of course.

I also made roasted edamame for the first time yesterday. The process is extremely simple. I'll post the recipe when I update the recipe page with all the things I've been making, you'll be notified. 

Happy Friday. Get outside.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Oat-less Oats?

Oatmeal minus the Oats

If you are a fan of oats for breakfast I urge you to try this! Trust me, I was also hesitant at first. But I tried it a few mornings ago and loved it. This is a great protein packed start to your day aside from the usual eggs and toast. Feel free to add a scoop of protein powder to the mix for extra flavor too. (I usually add a scoop of vanilla for recovery if I eat this after mornings at the gym).

(adapted recipe from here)
3 egg whites
1/2 cup milk
1-2 tbs ground flax seeds
1/2 or a whole banana
2 tbs sunflower seeds***
sunflower seeds for topping
1/4 tsp chai seeds for topping

1. Whisk together the egg whites and milk in a pan on the stove.
2. Turn to medium heat and stir in the flax, banana, sunflower seeds and cinnamon. 
3. Continue stirring until it reaches the desired consistency. 
4. Top with any nuts, seeds, nut butter, fruit your heart is feelin that morning. 

***(peanuts, almonds or walnuts make a great subsitution to the sunflower seeds added in the mixture - i was in the sunflower mood today.) Subsitute ~1/4 cup of nuts of choice.

Good luck!

My nephew's here so morning playtime with my morning coffee is where it's at today. 

Later Lovelies

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


"Blessed are the meek
for they shall inherit the Earth."
Matthew 5:5

Most people today consider meek to be an adjective describing timidness and weakness. What a negative connotation. I'd rather explain it as meaning submissive and trusting. 

One of the greatest challenges I face is full submitting my life to God's plan and his desire in how he would like to use me. Everyone likes to have everything figured out all the time, right? But let's face it, I'm sure you have all experienced seasons of your life in which you could have never ever predicted them to happen; even with the help of the infamous magic 8 ball we would turn to as children. 

Examples in my life which came my way COMPLETELY unexpected:
1. Taking myself off the lacrosse team my sophomore year at Mess
2. Placing in my first road race
3. Deciding to pursue degrees in Sport Management and Marketing (I originally went to Messiah for youth ministry)
4. Being the only intern accepted for the Sales department with the Philadelphia Wings, and then going to Messiah's campus at Temple University not knowing anyone to pursue this. 
5. Extending my stay in Philly for a full year because I just couldn't leave (and LU decided to conveniently open their Ardmore store that same year - perfect timing right?) ;)
6. Spending my senior J-term in Ghana, Africa
7. Ending up in Danbury, CT my first year out of school - with my first Real World roommate a long time friend from grade school (who conveniently got her first job in the same area as i)

If you were to ask me my plan for life at 18, my freshman year of college, NONE of this would be on my list. However, these have all come to be life-changing, learning and loving seasons that continue to show me joy and the greatness of God, all the time. Inheritance.

Without meekness; trust and submission to follow what I felt in my heart I needed to do, my life would be totally different. I am 100% sure of that. The thing is, I can't even begin to fathom where or what it would be like. But does it matter? All i know is that by trusting  the lead I felt at each of these points, the next point on the list has developed through the help of the one before. And when I look at each point, of course hardship was found at times with each one but without a doubt the joy that also came outweighs everything else.

This is a really awesome concept to me now that I look at it; how life just unfolds, and it always seems to just the way its supposed to - if you let it. 

Even through the course of a single day. I really urge each of you to just let it happen, trust without even thinking about it, and go with where you're led. Be meek in submitting but strong in pursuing; pursing the lead you receive from submitting. 

I have complete faith that everything will work out, and everything will unfold right before your eyes. Life is just that good

If you're reading this tonight, tomorrow is a new day - and if this finds you in the morning - today has begun, but there is still so much left unsaid to it. 
Let it be new, and good, please.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

You Go in Your Own Way

Noah and the Whale was my artist of the day for my run to the gym this morning. Therefore,

Song of the day: L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N
I leave you with the video for the song at the end. 

You've got more than money and sense, my friend
You've got heart and you go in your own way
What you don't have now will come back again
You've got heart and you go in your own way

On my last night on earth, I won't look to the sky
Just breathe in the air and blink in the light
On my last night on earth, I'll pay a high price
To have no regrets and be done with my life

The words I wish to share from this. 

Anyway, it's Tuesday, day off #1 of the week, and I figured I should at least do part one of my updates. 

But this is what I've been doing:
1. Friday: Working, after my morning off post
2. Saturday: day tripping to Jersey to celebrate my lovely friend Marla at her Bridal Shower. Pit stopping in Princeton, to visit LU, and ending up at my sisters house to bring her some things from home and hang out with her and the little guy. 
3. Sunday: Church, and work. 
4. Monday: Work by day, babysitting by night - My sister and her boo got tix to the Pats preseason game so I got to spend the night letting Braden do all the fun things Mommy and Daddy don't let him do while they were gone. (Kidding)

This morning I woke up at Kate's, playtime-d a lil before I came back home, to ran to the gym to lift. And of course it was a baking day: 

Banana Chocolate Chip Cupcakes with Almond Mocha Frosting


These will be going to Lacrosse Unlimited of Danbury, per a request I got yesterday after they finished the chocolate peanut-butter-cookie filled ones I sent a little while ago. But, since I both miss them dearly and the store has been doing great this past month, this is my gift to them to celebrate.
Cook to Love.

I leave you with the song for now, I finished the last of the coffee this morning so a walk to the store needs to happen at some point. (Why drive when you can walk or run, right?). Seriously. Plus, I need my fill of my New England weather before I'm sent for my next adventure. 


p.s. life goes on.
(via youtube)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Sneak the Veggies In - Cookie Recipe

Zucchini Chocolate Chip Cookies
(Adapted from here)

1/2 cup butter, softend
1/4 cup brown sugar
13 cup maple syrup
1 TBS vanilla
1 egg beaten

1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1 1/2 cup white flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon

2 medium zucchini shredded
1 cup chocolate chips

1. Preheat oven to 350 *
2. In a large bowl combine flours, baking soda, salt and cinnamon
3. In another larger bowl mix the butter and sugar
4. Add the syrup, egg and vanilla to the butter/sugar and mix
5. Slowly add the zucchini and mix till combined
6. Add the flour mixture, gradually
7. Add choco chips
8. Bake for 10-15 minutes at 350 degrees.


I'll be catching up soon - it was a long busy weekend.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Just a morning

It's Friday! Happy Friday

This is what I made for breakfast.
The best part of morning-off days :) 

While cooking my eggies on the stove THESE guys were performing on the Today Show:

Yes, 98 Degrees. Throwback, but you gotta love it - especially if you were a child of the 90's. Oh the mems. 

I'm drinking my coffee right now, watching Live with Kelly - my second favorite part about morning off days. Summers home during college I watched Regis and Kelly pretty religiously (of course classes get in the way while you're at school). But I loved them. So now I try to still watch Kell on my days off/mornings off if I have nothing else to take care of. Today is one of those days. 

I woke up early this morning and restless so this mornings workout was a little longer, please don't feel pressured.

Get Your Endurance Back Workout

4 miles treadmill run ~ 29 min

(Repeat all sets 3 times)
Bi Curls - 15 lbs - 15 reps
Mac Raises - 5lb discs - 12 reps
Tri Extenstions - 20 lb - 15 reps

(push ups repeated only twice)
Push ups - 15
Tri push ups - 10

77s - 30 lb bar
Chest Press - 50lbs - 15 reps
Tri pull down - 40 lbs - 15 reps

25 min elliptical
10 min ab circuit

This did not take me longer than an hour and a half - so if you have some time definitely give it a shot! I promise you will make it. Cut down the run and cross training if you need by a few minutes and you'll be golden. I'm just missing my runner shape from spring senior year at Mess, so I'm looking to get that extra energized good-feeling back. And I'm committing myself to at least one race next month in Sept. I have to. 

BUT its 10:00 and my show is over, so now it is time to officially start the day. I have some recipes and thoughts from the past few days to compile and post so there will be more :) 

Enjoy the last workday of the week! 
Tomorrow's the weekend, look forward to that.
Kelly Anne