Thursday, May 24, 2012

have fun in the chaos

"Have fun in the chaos"

My dear friend Kourtney just shared this with me while talking to her about my feelings on life, and how there are so many worries, stresses and unknowns that may arise day to day at the age of growing 20's. Also how my indecisive nature never allows for clear answers on anything; she reminded me though that through all the chaos this  age of life brings we are to have fun and explore it to it's fullest. How true. 

It seems like I'm very different than most where I just want to stray from everything familiar and go out into the world and find more chaos and explore it. I mean God calls us to leave our surroundings, our family, our friends but how many of us really want to, are comfortable enough to, and ultimately really follow this calling? This has been screaming on my heart this past year. To just leave and follow the chaos.

There are so many directions in life I can take these next couple months. Complete chaos. Where to live, what to do, who to meet, how to love, and how and with who to invest my time and love. I struggle with knowing if I make the right decisions and if I have the right motives towards all my actions. 

Have fun though. 

I will be reminding myself of this daily these next few months. Take each chaotic thing as it comes, embrace it as part of God's plan and journey for me and have fun finding the joy that is always intended through everything. Have fun. 

Hopefully with the summer coming and my hours at work becoming more manageable I will be able to explore life to its fullest once again while I am still here in Connecticut. Take more notice to relax, have fun in each day and its events and in this finding some direction to the chaos of life and discovering where I am to let it lead me. So we will see. But for now in trying to puzzle out all the answers, I'm just having fun.

Happy Thursday, Have a good holiday weekend! 
(ill be workinggg)

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